Golden spear
Golden spear dedicated to Spinello Aretino. Painting by Silvia Salvadori.
Project made with tempera and pure gold. Work performed with the ancient pictorial techniques of the Sienese school of the fifteenth century.
Categories: Renaissance
Drawings of Silvia Salvadori. Project of the Golden Lance inspired by the painting of Spinello Aretino (double-sided handle). Description: The handle of the Lancia d'oro is made up of three cones, each of which represents a scene and hides an allegorical message (inspired by the Divine Comedy). Above, the universe enclosed in a celestial sphere painted with the colors of the districts of the city of Arezzo. Below, raised beams of golden rays support the base on which the ellipse rests, slightly concave inside. On the front, the central cone bears the effigy of the Madonna del Conforto. The mantle of the Virgin (inspired by the figure of the Magdalene among the Angels, painted by Spinello Aretino) forms a raised fan that joins the golden ring of the spear bearing the engraving of the names of Spinello Aretino and the City. The golden ring of the spear acts as a dividing line between the universe and the central cone that encloses the figure of the Virgin and the city of Arezzo. The robe of the Madonna will be made in golden relief and painted in ultramarine blue. On the sides of the central cone two musician angels in golden bas-relief look out from two Gothic windows. The elongated and moved figures of the angels, with their impalpable and delicate complexions painted in the manner of the Sienese School, create an architectural frame that recalls the patterns of the Gothic facades and windows (with this aspect I wanted to emphasize that the painting by Spinello Aretino represented one of the more elegant examples of transition from Gothic to Renaissance). Back of the spear: Golden bas-relief of the city of Arezzo protected by its mighty walls. Final part: On the inverted cone a feathered snake with bright colors, emerald green and pure gold is twisted (around the snake, on the whole surface of the cone, a carpet of golden feathers stands out in relief). The snake devours an egg symbol of eternal life. From the fig leaves (the scene is inspired by the Book of Genesis, the first story of Creation) three golden apples ripen, a symbol of knowledge and prosperity.
Autore: Painting by © Silvia Salvadori
Technique: Tempera and pure gold